• globalsourcing@facetedproducts.com
  • North America: 1-514-983-6998 | China: 011-86-186-5660-2200



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Welcome to
Faceted Products

The China supply chain has never been simple but, as geopolitics have become both more intense and intertwined, it has become increasingly aggravating, expensive, and time consuming. Wouldn’t you like to avoid the day-to-day hassle of dealing with people who have a different interpretation of language than you do? We offer a seamless interface from your desk to your warehouse dock. We speak English, French, and Mandarin from your perspective and theirs and have an office in China. Our merchandise is sourced from verified suppliers, quality checked, properly packaged and shipped on time as specified... and you are kept advised every step of the way. Moreover, with our connections, we are able to resolve any current situations that you may be encountering. Please check OUR SERVICES for more information.

Faceted Products

We offer a seamless interface from your desk to your warehouse dock

We speak English, French, and Mandarin from your perspective and theirs and have an office in China.

Our Services

We provide efficient and cost-effective support to companies doing business in Hong Kong, China, and Taiwan. Just as English does not mean the same when spoken in different places, so too is Mandarin different, even in Northern China compared to that of Southern. We understand the cultural differences and eliminate the misunderstandings.

Additionally, we verify:

  • That our suppliers do actually supply as opposed to sub-contracting - thereby avoiding any possible quality or provenance issues;
  • That the production capacity is sufficient for delivery to be effected within your stated timeframe;
  • That the production, packaging etc... is quality-controlled.

Many of the ‘front’ manufacturers now subcontract partially or entirely. The ‘real’ manufacturers are smaller companies who are located far away from main cities. Many of these factories have no capacity to converse in any foreign language and most have no export allowance certification. We enable you to avoid the lengthy and less-than-easy journeys and, at the same time, can provide for the export certification, thus allowing you to avoid all the expensive middlemen.


We do all this and do it with total attention to confidentiality – no one at our end will ever reveal to anyone that we are working on your behalf and none of your products will ever be shown to anyone other than those in your direct chain of supply. In order to prevent any possibility of hacking, we do not maintain a website demonstrating products or testimonials – everything we are told and everything that we do is presumed to be held in the strictest confidence.

Request an
Introductory Discussion

With our connections we are able to resolve any current situations that you may be encountering.

North America: 1-514-983-6998
China: 011-86-186-5660-2200

Meet our Team



Bennett Little

Tel: (worldwide) 1-514-983-6998

CH: 86-131-5663-0088


Faculty of Management BCom

McGill University 1974


Tan Xiao Guo

CH: 86-186-5660-2200


Bachelor of Management

Xiamen University 2000


We retain all information in the strictest of confidence - what you tell us; what we learn; what we suggest goes no farther than you - and we treat everyone and everything the same. No one will learn from us that you are our client. The fact that we have been doing this successfully for over 25 years through all the permutations and combinations of what China trade has been and metamorphosed into being in that time should speak highly of our ability to more than satisfy your needs.